
Audit Goodwill

Audit Goodwill Overview In an audit, goodwill refers to the intangible non-current asset that arises in the business combination when ...

Substantive Audit Procedures

Substantive Audit Procedures Overview Substantive audit procedures are the audit processes or methods that auditors perform to detect material misstatement ...

Risk of Material Misstatement for Investments

Risk of Material Misstatement for Investments Overview Risk of material misstatement is a combination of inherent risk and control risk ...

Audit Retained Earnings and Dividends

Audit Retained Earnings and Dividends Overview As auditors, we usually examine all relevant transactions in the audit of retained earnings ...

Audit Investments

Audit Investments Overview As auditors, we usually audit investments that the client has on their financial statements by testing various ...

Tracing Audit

Tracing Audit Overview Tracing is an audit procedure of inspecting source documents to the accounting records in order to ensure ...

Search for Unrecorded Liabilities

Search for Unrecorded Liabilities Overview Search for unrecorded liabilities is the audit test that auditors perform to verify if the ...

Agreed Upon Procedures

Agreed Upon Procedures Overview Agreed-upon procedures engagement is a type of engagement which auditor performs certain procedures that are agreed ...

Review Engagement

Review Engagement Overview Review engagement is the type of assurance engagement that auditors or professional accountants give a negative or ...

Risk of Material Misstatement

Risk of Material Misstatement Overview Risk of material misstatement is the risk that financial statements contain material misstatement but the ...